Real Keytones | Supplement Packaging

  • 20 May, 2022
  • 2 minutes
Real Ketones

BIG SKY PACKAGING continues to grow in vitamin and supplement packaging!

The founders of Real Ketones, Rob Rogers and Gary Millet paved the way for the commercialization of clean ketone supplementation in 2013. Following the acquisition of the exclusive licensing rights of two key exogenous ketone patents, including one from Dr. Dominic D’Agostino through the University of South Florida.

Real Ketones has developed a seamless ketone supply chain to ensure consistent, high-quality manufacturing practices and GRAS safety qualifications. Teaming up with Compound Solutions, Inc., RK Solutions was formed to develop the GoBHB™ brand to ensure the authenticity and quality of our BHB products. During this time, Rob and Gary retained the most efficacious technologies and formulas for exclusive use, and then began the work of developing their own brand, backed by clinical studies.

Today, Real Ketones continues its quest to deliver the many benefits of ketones to people everywhere. We’ve invested millions into exogenous ketone research and clinical studies, and we’re just getting started. For example, in our most recent clinical study on weight loss and metabolic markers, it was proven that Real Ketones products significantly accelerated weight loss, fat loss, improved lean-to-fat ratio and reduced hip circumference—all while reducing normal insulin, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Both personalized stock and complete custom packaging are provided by BIG SKY PACKAGING.

Focus on building your brand, not your packaging.

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